Dr. Mama OT at AOTA Inspire

Dr. Mama OT at AOTA Inspire

This was my first year at the AOTA annual conference since becoming an Occupational therapist. My last conference was in Salt Lake City, Utah, when I represented West Coast University – Center for Graduate Studies as the AOTA student delegate. This year’s conference in Kansas City, Missouri, is a different trip. This year I attended as an exhibitor showcasing Dr. Mama OT while bringing a toddler along for the ride. Luckily “ita” (Scout’s abuelita/my Mama) flew out from Los Angeles, California, to help us. What a humbling experience; setting up for a show is wild. I had no idea, but we figured it out, and wow, it’s over, and I can not believe I did that.

I’m just reflecting on my weekend and the conference days, and wow, I mean, it was terrific sharing Dr. Mama OT with the students and practitioners who attended. I am so touched and inspired by everyone who came to purchase some Dr. Mama OT merch, network with me, and, more importantly, make the time for meaningful discussions. I was not expecting those moments; that’s not what I foresaw when thinking about what the conference would look like. I was pretty overwhelmed with anxiety. I was putting a lot on the table (metaphorically and physically); excuse my French but shit, it was nerve-wracking, but as people stopped by, engaging me with thoughtful conversation and honesty, it all stopped, I felt super connected and present, and although vulnerable, it was the good kind of vulnerability. The kind that leaves us warm and fuzzy. What a gift.

I had so many highlights, so so many! First, let’s talk about my awesome booth neighbors; what a sign from the universe that I happened to secure one of the last spots; someone canceled last minute, and the opportunity was available to me. When I was signing up and forking over all the money to register and secure a spot (a booth should not be that expensive, especially for a small business. However, I digress), I realized I was next to Solid Starts—a pediatric feeding practitioner’s role model, what a dreamy situation. My mom supported me and made space and time to join me on my trip. My parents have done this all my life. Nevertheless, it will never stop being special. It also hits completely differently since she became an abuelita, seeing my parents show up for Scout the way they do; ugh, I just can’t put words to it. Speaking of Scout, my toddler rocked the exhibitor hall; this kid, man, my husband, and I are so freakin’ blessed; she is incredible. She was so patient with her Mama, taking it all in, the new experiences. I want to think she had fun; I mean, she said so. Hehe. I hope to bring her to the conference every year. Why? She deserves to be everywhere; I want her to share in all of the experiences, fly her across the country to see something new, and share what Mama does. Of course, only if she wants to.

Continuing with my highlights, meeting everyone, all of you guys, you made this trip! The amount of support I received, man, it was overwhelming. Dr. Mama OT is special to me; I had an idea and did it and hoped it would be momentous. Everyone that stopped to chat with me made it feel authentic and successful. It was so beautiful to have my fellow Latinas come over and call me an inspiration, not because “I” need the words of validation but because maybe this platform will accomplish what I intended; I hope so. To the students who thanked me for “seeing them,” I see you, and I’m here for you; we all have to show up for each other, especially those in the “minority.” I was touched, I was emotional, and holding back the tears.
Thank you, guys, for coming over, sharing your stories with me, and supporting Dr. Mama OT. Thank you, guys, for seeing me.
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